Publikationen der Arbeitsgruppe

Quartärgeologie, klastische Sedimentologie, Beckenanalyse / Beckenmodellierung, Neotektonik

Zeige Ergebnisse 81 - 90 von 119


Lang J, Winsemann J. Lateral and vertical facies relationships of bedforms deposited by aggrading supercritical flows: From cyclic steps to humpback dunes. Sedimentary geology. 2013 Okt 15;296:36-54. doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2013.08.005
Lang J, Böhner U, Polom U, Serangeli J, Winsemann J. The Middle Pleistocene tunnel valley at Schöningen as a Paleolithic archive. Journal of human evolution. 2013 Mai 30;89:18-26. doi: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2015.02.004
Osman A, Pollok L, Brandes C, Winsemann J. Sequence stratigraphy of a Paleogene coal bearing rim syncline: Interplay of salt dynamics and sea-level changes, Schöningen, Germany. Basin research. 2013 Dez;25(6):675-708. doi: 10.1111/bre.12021
Polom U, Bagge M, Wadas S, Winsemann J, Brandes C, Binot F et al. Surveying near-surface depocentres by means of shear wave seismics. First Break. 2013 Aug;31(8):67-79.


Brandes C, Winsemann J, Roskosch J, Meinsen J, Tanner DC, Frechen M et al. Activity along the Osning Thrust in Central Europe during the Lateglacial: Ice-sheet and lithosphere interactions. Quaternary science reviews. 2012 Mär 30;38:49-62. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.01.021
Brandes C, Pollok L, Schmidt C, Wilde V, Winsemann J. Basin modelling of a lignite-bearing salt rim syncline: Insights into rim syncline evolution and salt diapirism in NW Germany. Basin research. 2012 Dez;24(6):699-716. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2012.00544.x
Brandes C, Polom U, Winsemann J. Integrating high-resolution shear wave seismics and outcrop data: A case study from northern Germany. 2012. Beitrag in 74th EAGE Conference and Exhibition Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012, Copenhagen, Dänemark. doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.20149860
Brandes C, Tanner DC. Three-dimensional geometry and fabric of shear deformation-bands in unconsolidated Pleistocene sediments. TECTONOPHYSICS. 2012 Jan 20;518-521:84-92. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.11.012
Lang J, Dixon RJ, Le Heron DP, Winsemann J. Depositional architecture and sequence stratigraphic correlation of Upper Ordovician glaciogenic deposits, Illizi Basin, Algeria. Geological Society Special Publication. 2012;368(1):293-317. doi: 10.1144/SP368.1
Lang J, Winsemann J, Steinmetz D, Polom U, Pollok L, Böhner U et al. The Pleistocene of Schöningen, Germany: A complex tunnel valley fill revealed from 3D subsurface modelling and shear wave seismics. Quaternary science reviews. 2012 Apr 16;39:86-105. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.02.009